Behind the Stories

I enjoy building connections between animals and people, as well as delving into ways we can feel and perform our best at all ages and stages of life.

Personal and professional

The highs and lows of riding and horse ownership have provided consistent subject matter for editorial columns through the years. Occasionally something happens on the editorial side that inspires a column. In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, I revisited a previous editorial decision. The resulting column, “A Reckoning,” published in USDF Connection, …

Capturing the moment

One of my greater professional challenges has been becoming proficient at “backpack journalism” — producing entire stories, including visuals, myself. It had been years since my college-photography coursework, and I’d never before tried to capture the action of equestrian sports, often in less-than-ideal lighting conditions. Several courses, a number of books, a decent investment in …

It’s not all just horsing around

Readers (and editors) have a bottomless appetite for “news you can use” — stories that parse complex subject matter in a way that’s engaging, relevant to their interests or concerns, and easy to understand. As one who’s researched and written too many horse-health stories to count, I can attest that it’s not a big leap …